
Algebraic Values without Algebra

The goal of algebraic types in Shesmu is getting polymorphism into olives. Shesmu’s type system is intentionally rather strict. It allows optional types as a way of eliding information with the case that missing information must be explicitly handled somewhere. It’s also possible to convert information to JSON, but it can only be really explored if it’s converted back to a particular type.


In most programming languages, a value belongs to a particular type. In Java, int is a type that can take on 2^32 possible values each with some meaning. In Java, the int type and the String type have no values in common. Although Java doesn’t permit it, it would make sense to have a variable that could be either and int or a String and there would be no confusion because no int value could ever be confused for a String value. Effectively, we are creating a new type that is int + String. That’s the algebra in algebraic types. Rather than a +, many languages uses |, as does Shesmu.

Languages that use algebraic data types, including Scala and Rust, typically attach names to separate out the values. For instance, in Rust:

enum Foo {

Elsewhere in the Rust program, Foo::Something(some_string) can be used to create a new value. For Shesmu, the same approach is taken where the different members in an algebraic type have names to help sort them out.

In many languages, including Java, types have a particular name that defines them. For instance, if we create these two classes:

class Foo {
  public String name;
  public int age;
class Bar {
  public String name;
  public int age;

The classes Foo and Bar have no relationship to each other even though they contain identical data; there is no way to use Foo where Bar is expected. Other languages, including JavaScript and Shesmu, take a more structural approach:

If x Then { name = "Susan", age = 31 } Else { name = "Bill", age = 38 }

Shesmu independently creates two objects in the two paths of this If, but it can mix the output because they have the same structure. Only the types of the fields in an object or tuple matter.

Therefore, Shesmu needs to take a structural approach to algebraic types. Unlike Scala and Rust, Shesmu does not define a type with all subtypes in it. Instead, it allows creating an algebraic type anywhere and allows any aggregation of these types as long as they are compatible.

Creating Algebraic Values

Algebraic types can contain values if desired. Without values, algebraic types work much like an enum in Java:

TypeAlias suit HEART | SPADE | CLUB | DIAMOND;
Function symbol_for_suit(suit s)
  Match s
    When HEART Then "♡"
    When SPADE Then "♠"
    When CLUB Then "♣"
    When DIAMOND Then "♢";

However, algebraic types can also carry extra information:

 TypeAlias analysis SEQUENCING_ONLY | ALIGN {string};
 Function reference_for_analysis(analysis a)
   Match a
     When SEQUENCING_ONLY Then ``
     WHEN ALIGN{reference} Then `reference`;

The type of information is the same as Shesmu tuples and named tuples/objects. For instance, the above could be:

 TypeAlias analysis SEQUENCING_ONLY | ALIGN {reference = string};
 Function reference_for_analysis(analysis a)
   Match a
     When SEQUENCING_ONLY Then ``
     WHEN ALIGN{reference = reference} Then `reference`;

Note that TypeAlias declarations must be at the top of the file, following the Version and Input format declarations.

 Version 1;
 Input cerberus_fp;

 TypeAlias analysis SEQUENCING_ONLY | ALIGN {reference = string};

Combining with Algebraic Values

Shesmu algebraic values are structural, meaning that any two algebraic values that have non-conflicting structures can be merged. For instance, in:

  Switch foo
    When 0 Then ALIGN {"hg19"}
    When 1 Then ALIGN {"hg38"}
    When 2 Then ALING {"mm10"}
    When 3 Then ALIGN {"mm9"}
    Else NO_ALIGN

this expression will have a type ALIGN{string} | ALING {string} | NO_ALIGN. Realistically, that ALING is probably a typo, but Shesmu doesn’t know that. It would be an error to write this:

  Switch foo
    When 0 Then ALIGN {"hg19"}
    When 1 Then ALIGN {"hg38"}
    When 2 Then ALIGN {3}
    When 3 Then ALIGN {"mm9"}
    Else NO_ALIGN

since ALIGN{string} and ALIGN{integer} are in conflict. Shesmu will raise a type error when it tries to assign this value if there is a conflict. Assignment occurs when a value is used in the With block of a Run or Refill olive, calling a function, calling a Define olive, or performing a Match expression.

Flow with Algebraic Values

Once an algebraic value exists, there needs to be a way to separate the cases back out. Like all other values, algebraic values can be used in Switch, ==, and != for exact comparisons. To discriminate out the different types mixed together, the Match expression can be used. Match works similarly to Switch, but it’s comparing structure rather than value. Assuming a value x has type FOO {integer} | BAR, the different paths can be teased out using a Match as follows.

Match x
  When FOO { factor } Then factor * 10
  When BAR Then 0

Like destructuring assignment with tuples, FOO {factor} will extract the nested values and make them accessible. Unneeded values can be discarded using _ or the entire value using _ (i.e., FOO _ will match FOO and discard any information while FOO {_} is look for a tuple-like algebraic value and will discard one parameter). For algebraic values with object fields, it is possible to do FOO * which will make all the fields available as variables.

By default, a Match must be exhaustive. That is, it must handle every possible algebraic type it is given. If this is undesirable, there are two alternatives available: Else and Remainder.

Suppose an olive has:

Function analysis_for_project(string project)
	  Switch project
		  When "a" Then CANCER {"hg38"}
		  When "b" Then CANCER {"hg19"}
		  When "c" Then VIRAL {"hpv", "hg19"}
		  When "d" Then VIRAL {"hpv", "hg19"}

Else works much like the Else in a Switch and provides a value if all the other matches fail.

  # Determine if this olive should run on this data; use Else to cover other cases
  Where Match analysis_for_project(project)
      When CANCER {_} Then True
      Else False

Remainder also provides a default value, but it retains access to the original value:

 Function reference_for_analysis(CANCER{string} | VIRAL{string, string} analysis)
    # Match is exhaustive, so no Else/Remainder
    Match analysis
      When CANCER{genome} Then genome
      When VIRAL{_, genome} Then genome;
     project, sample,
     reference = OnlyIf
       # We remove the SEQUENCING_ONLY case and pass the other values to reference_for_analysis
       Match analysis_for_project(project)
         When SEQUENCING_ONLY Then ``
         Remainder (a) `reference_for_analysis(a)`

A subtle but important difference here is that this code would fail:

     project, sample,
     reference = OnlyIf
       Match analysis_for_project(project)
         When SEQUENCING_ONLY Then ``
         Else `reference_for_analysis(analysis_for_project(project))`

That is because analysis_for_project returns the type CANCER{string} | VIRAL {string, string} | SEQUENCING_ONLY and reference_for_analysis take the parameter type CANCER{string} | VIRAL {string, string}. Because the SEQUENCING_ONLY path was handled by the Match, the a in Remainder has only CANCER{string} | VIRAL {string, string} which is what reference_for_analysis accepts.

In an algebraic sense, Remainder has the original type minus all the types handled in the Match.

A Random Aside: Product Types

In these algebraic type discussions, we’ve only covered addition and subtraction. Is multiplication possible? Yes! That’s what tuples are. It’s non-commutative multiplication, but, hey, you get what you get.

Algebraic Types in JSON

Every Shesmu type can be converted to/from a JSON type. For algebraic types, the structure is similar for all 3 types.

An empty algebraic value (e.g., FOO) is converted as:

  "type": "FOO",
  "contents": null

While Shesmu will always emit "contents": null, it will also accept "contents": [] and "contents": {}.

A tuple-like algebraic value (e.g., FOO {3}) is converted as:

  "type": "FOO",
  "contents": [3]

An object-like algebraic value (e.g., FOO {f = 3}) is converted as:

  "type": "FOO",
  "contents": { "f": 3 }