This is intended for olive developers and operators.
On the main status page, hit the STOP ALL ACTIONS button. Also, that’s not a question.
Shesmu, like most of other programs, feeds data into Prometheus and Prometheus sends alerts to AlertManager when the application is behaving badly. Shesmu also has Alert
olives that create alerts about data in the system and send these directly to AlertManager. Only these data alerts will be displayed on the Shesmu Alerts page.
Go to the Shesmu instance of interest, click on the Actions tab. Here, you can find all the actions the server is trying to perform. If you click on the Stats button, you’ll get some tables about the actions:
From Internals, select Active Server Processes to see a list of things the server is currently chewing on.
mean?From Tools, select Type Converter and enter the type descriptor in the box and then hit the button to get a human-friendly type.
If it’s a Vidarr workflow, choose the command to retry the failed workflow.
If you’ve changed the olive/LIMS/run blacklist/whatever to exclude this action, you can purge this action. From the Actions page, select a filter that finds your bad action, then click PURGE. If the world hasn’t changed, the olive will recreate it.
Have at look at the Last Generated by an Olive age. If this is over 2 hours, you can be very confident the olive is no longer creating this action
Every time an olive runs, all the actions are generated and go into Shesmu’s scheduler. When the olive runs again, it regenerates all those actions and Shesmu needs to decide if two actions are the same. Actions get to decide if two actions are equivalent and that may not include all parameters. If you look at the actions, it will list the olives that generated and you will see two version of the same source file.
To get Shesmu to replace the actions, purge the old ones (either individually or in bulk). This will cause the new action to be in the scheduler.
For Vidarr workflows, it uses the workflow, the input files, the LIMS keys, and labels. If your olive only changes arguments, the modified actions will not displace the old actions. Even if purged, the new action will still match the existing Vidarr workflow runs.
If you have lots of actions that are going to run and fail:
No worries, this isn’t much harder:
You can click almost any cell header or value and then use the buttons at the bottom to act on the subset of actions. Use the Add Filter button to slice and dice the actions displayed.
Not quite, but you can go to the Olives page and select the olive, and click Edit in Simulator to have the source code for that file show up in the simulation dashboard. Add a Where or Dump clause to filter the data of interest and simulate it to see what’s going on.