

This is a guide to building and deploying Shesmu.


What Shesmu requires will depend on which plugins you enable. Plugins can be disabled by passing -pl "!plugin-foo" to disable a plugin when calling mvn commands.

Build dependencies:

Optional runtime dependencies:

Running an Instance

Maybe you want to first check if Shesmu is right for you and figure out what you would need for an installation.

Setting up Shesmu involves collecting all the necessary bits and putting them into one place. It will discover most of the configuration from there.

To bring up a test instance, first create /srv/shesmu. In this directory, the other configuration files will be placed (see below). Shesmu can read many .shesmu scripts containing multiple olives from /srv/shesmu. If you don’t know how to write them, have a look at the tutorial and the language guide.

An unconfigured Shesmu server is pretty boring. Try the instructions for running a demo server to bring up a server with a set of demonstration olives.

Docker Setup

You can build and run the container with:

docker build -t shesmu:latest .

Which will build all of the plugins available. Then run with:

docker run -p 8081:8081 \
  --mount type=bind,source=/srv/shesmu,target=/srv/shesmu \

Shesmu’s Dockerfile also supports caching of dependency fetching through the use of Docker’s BuildKit.

To enable this, add the following to your /etc/docker/daemon.json config:

  "features": {
    "buildkit" : true

Local Setup

Now, compile the main server using Maven:

mvn install

This will create shesmu-server/target/shesmu.jar. If you require any additional plugins (described below), compile them and collect all the JARs and their dependencies in a directory on your server in /srv/shesmu or a path of your choosing. The complete set of plugins and dependencies can be copied into a jars directory inside the build directory by doing:

test -d jars || mkdir jars
cd jars
ln -sf ../install-pom.xml pom.xml
rm -rf *.jar
mvn -DVERSION=$(cd ..; mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout) dependency:copy-dependencies
cd ..

If you are installing to /srv/shesmu, then copy the JARs:

rm /srv/shesmu/*.jar
cp jars/*.jar /srv/shesmu

The configuration for Shesmu is kept in a directory and will be automatically updated if it changes. This makes it easy to store the configuration in git and deploy automatically.

On a Linux server, create a systemd configuration in /lib/systemd/system/shesmu.service as follows:

Description=Shesmu decision-action server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -p /srv/shesmu -m ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.server/ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.Server


If your Shesmu server cannot determine its own URL (it attempts to use the FQDN of the local system), in the [Unit] section, add:


Start the server using:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable shesmu
sudo systemctl start shesmu

Once running, the status page of the server on port :8081 will display all the configuration read. The Definitions page will show all the actions and lookups available to the script and the provenance variables and their types.

To start doing something, write some olives. A description for olives is found in the tutorial. The builtin features won’t get you too far, so also add some plugins.