
Training Guide for Operators

This is a guide for operators who need to check whether Shesmu is healthy and investigate failures.


The main pages operators are going to use are:

Using Filters Effectively

On both the Olives and Actions page, you can add filters to narrow the list. There are a few kinds of filters:

Text and regular expression searches are much slower than the other filter. Try to use tags where possible and add tags to olives for better searching. When possibly try to combine text searches with other faster searches to improve performance. Using the Olives page for is also faster because it narrows the search to a single olive’s output.

On the Overview tab, there is a breakdown of actions (this applies even on the Olives page where the filters are under the Actions tab). By clicking on any cell header or cell in the tables, the search can be restricted using the Drill Down menu item.

For the histograms, clicking and dragging will filter on that range. Histograms can provide a lot of useful information about what is going on in an olive. For instance:

Histogram showing changed data

In this histogram there are a number of actions that have not been generated by an olive recently. This likely means that the input data changed and these actions are now orphans and may be candidates to be purged. The larger the gap between now and the last time they were generated, the more likely it is that they are not being generated. The Olives page would show when this olive last ran for comparison.

Exercise: Go to the Actions page, find an action, and open it in a new tab. Using the Actions and Olives page, find 3 different filter combinations that find this action using the information displayed about it.

Custom Searches

When you build up a search query using filters on the Actions page, it can be saved using the Add to My Searches button. This search will now be available from your browser for this server.

If you want to share a search click on the Export Search button. If the search is exported to a file, it can be added to the server’s configuration to make available to all users. The To Clipboard, To Clipboard for Ticket, and To File are all useful for importing the search later. There are also buttons to create purge or fetch shell commands, for use in scripts. The JIRA plugin also allows exporting searches to tickets; more details on that in the next section.

Saved Searches

Shesmu’s Actions dashboard provides a way to sift through the actions that olives have generated. It can be useful to save these searches. By clicking the Save Search, the search will be saved in the browser. They can be shared by clicking the clipboard icon beside a saved search to copy the search and then using the Add Search button on the dashboard and pasting in the text copied. The Import Searches and Export Searches can also be used to copy all searches and upload them to a different instance.

To go beyond person-to-person sharing, the search filter JSON, created by either clicking the Show Search button, can be saved to a file ending in .search in the Shesmu configuration directory. The name of the file will be used as the name of the search.

It is not recommended to save searches that reference a particular olive source location. Every time the file is updated, the olive’s hash will be updated and the filter will no longer match. The hash property in the filter can be changed to null to avoid this issue. Even if this were not the case, it is possible that the olive will move around in the script and the line and column that mark the start of each olive will change.

Understanding Delegation

Shesmu can use JIRA and custom searches to create delegation. A JIRA ticket can contain a search in text form (i.e., shesmusearch:) or references to particular actions (i.e., shesmu:) in the description.

In the JIRA configuration, we have JIRA queries as follows:

"searches": [
    "filter": {
      "states": [
      "type": "status"
    "jql": "project IN (\"GC\", \"GDI\", \"GP\", \"GBS\", \"GRD\") AND resolution = Unresolved",
    "name": "Problems from {key} - {summary} ({assignee})",
    "type": "EACH_AND"
    "filter": {
      "states": [
      "type": "status"
    "jql": "project IN (\"GC\", \"GDI\", \"GP\", \"GBS\", \"GRD\") AND resolution = Unresolved",
    "name": "Problems for {assignee}",
    "type": "BY_ASSIGNEE"
    "filter": {
      "states": [
      "type": "status"
    "jql": "project IN (\"GC\", \"GDI\", \"GP\", \"GBS\", \"GRD\") AND resolution = Unresolved",
    "name": "Pipeline Lead Dashboard",
    "type": "ALL_EXCEPT"
    "filter": {
      "states": [
      "type": "status"
    "jql": "project IN (\"GC\", \"GDI\", \"GP\", \"GBS\", \"GRD\") AND resolution = Unresolved",
    "name": "Problems Currently Handed-Off",
    "type": "ALL_AND"

Each of these searches performs a JIRA search using "jql" to find searches embedded in issues and then takes the Shesmu search in "filter" and combines them using "type". So, the EACH_AND type takes every ticket and creates a search for it by combining the query in this file with the query from the ticket. BY_ASSIGNEE does the same thing, but first grouping by ticket assignee. The ALL_EXCEPT search is the most important for operations. It creates a dashboard that has all the problems except for ones mentioned in tickets. Therefore, operations can carve off problems and delegate them to other people by creating at ticket.

Tickets can be made by using the filters and then exporting the problem to a new ticket. It does not need to be assigned to be removed from the Pipeline Lead Dashboard. This allows the Pipeline Lead Dashboard to act as the operations inbox.

The page has to be refreshed to get the updated query from JIRA and the results from JIRA are cached for 15 minutes.

Exercise: Find a problem using the Pipeline Lead Dashboard and create a ticket for it.

To create a new ticket:

  1. Use the Actions page to search the set of actions you want.
  2. Switch back to the All Actions search; otherwise the search will include the Pipeline Lead Dashboard as a base.
  3. Click Export Search and click File Bug in GC or File Bug in GDI.
  4. You should be directed to a JIRA create issue page. Fill in the remaining details.

If there is already a ticket that you would like to attach the search to:

  1. Use the Actions page to search the set of actions you want.
  2. Switch back to the All Actions search; otherwise the search will include the Pipeline Lead Dashboard as a base.
  3. Click Export Search and click Copy to Clipboard for Ticket.
  4. Open the issue and edit the description.
  5. Paste the search filter on a separate line in the ticket.

Once a ticket is filed, refresh the Actions page and there will be a search for each ticket with an embedded search and an aggregated search of every user. Shesmu caches this information for 15 minutes, so the searches may not be updated immediately.

It is also possible to extract the search from a ticket manually.

  1. Go to the Actions page.
  2. Click Import Search in the top left.
  3. Paste the shesmusearch: string into the box.
  4. Enter a descriptive name for this search.
  5. Click Add to My Searches.

This search will be visible in the drop down list only for you from this browser for this Shesmu server. If you wish to share it for everyone, use Export Search and then To File and install it in the Shesmu configuration directory.

Throttlers and Schedules

Shesmu will stop running olives or checking on an action if there is a potential overload. On the main page, STOP STOP STOP will cause all active actions to slip into a THROTTLED state.

There are 3 kinds of throttles supported:

Per plugin/service throttles can stop a plugin and all the actions and olives that use it. For instance, throttling jira will stop any olives that are using the JIRA searches or any actions that file JIRA issues.

Every data format (e.g., cerberus_fp) can also be throttled and olives that use this data will not run.

To engage a throttle, there are several ways:

Prometheus is the most flexible of the system. Prometheus rules monitor systems and can stop Shesmu from accessing certain systems by firing AutoInhibit alerts. Since it is useful to create these manually, Somnus can be used to manually create limited-time inhibitions. Think of them as the reverse of a silence; stop the problem for a limited window instead of ignoring it for a limited.

Typically, actions in a THROTTLED state don’t require any action. If an action has been throttled for a very long time it may indicate that another service is broken or stuck or a maintenance schedule is overwhelmed. It’s usually best to check Prometheus for inhibition alerts.

Olive and Script Pauses

While fun, STOP STOP STOP is a blunt tool for stopping actions. Actions can also be paused using the olives that generate them. On the Olives page, it is possible to pause the actions generated by an olive or a file. Pausing an olive does not stop the olive from running. It simply puts all actions generated by the olive into a THROTTLED state.

Pauses can be created or removed from the Olives page and removed on the Pauses page. The reason for having them in two places is this:

  1. You find a bug in an olive and pause that olive to stop making a mess.
  2. You fix the olive and replace the file on the Shesmu server.
  3. The new olive replaces the old olive and generates actions. Some of the actions are different but some are the same.
  4. The modified olive is unpaused so the new actions run, but the overlapping actions are still paused. The button to pause and unpause the olive is no longer on the Olives page.

To avoid this problem, all pauses, even for olives that have been replaced are available on the Pauses page and they can be cleared from there.

Action Maintenance

Every Shesmu action has:

Every few minutes, Shesmu runs all the olives and they generate all the actions. Since most actions are the same every time, the duplicates are thrown away. The last generation time is the last time an olive produced this action. If the action is a duplicate, it will still have an updated generation time.

Once an action has been generated by an olive, it will enter an UNKNOWN state and the Shesmu scheduler will try to run the action. Every time it does, it will update the last checked time. When the action is checked, it can change its state; if this occurs, last state transition time is also updated.

Therefore, an old last generation time means the olive has stopped producing this action, the olive has been deleted, or the olive is stuck. An old last checked time indicates the Shesmu scheduler is overloaded or the action is not requesting frequent updates. An old last transition time indicates that the problem is internal to the action.

The external modification time is some time that the action self-reports that it thinks is useful. For Vidarr workflows, this is the last modification time of the workflow run. JIRA actions show the last modification time of the ticket they are associated with.

Actions also have commands that allow you to tell the action to do something. Commands will cause an action to flip back to the UNKNOWN state. Some commands can be applied in bulk. A command may require a confirmation before executing and some dangerous commands require a puzzle to be solved before working in bulk.

State Description
FAILED The action has been attempted and encounter an error (possibly recoverable).
HALP The action is in a state where it needs human attention or intervention to correct itself.
INFLIGHT The action is currently being executed.
QUEUED The action is waiting for a remote system to start it.
SAFETY_LIMIT_REACHED The action has encountered some user-defined limit stopping it from proceeding.
SUCCEEDED The action is complete.
THROTTLED The action is being rate limited by a Shesmu throttler or by an over-capacity signal.
UNKNOWN The actions state is not currently known either due to an exception or not having been attempted.
WAITING The action cannot be started due to a resource being unavailable.
ZOMBIE The action is never going to complete. This is not necessarily a failed state; testing or debugging actions should be in this state.

SFTP Delete Actions

Files can be deleted from disk by the SFTP delete action. To have a human review before deleting, the olive can set automatic = False and then a command will be available for a human to approve the action. These actions appear in the HALP state until they are approved.

Vidarr Actions

Vidarr actions have several important commands meant to replace access to the command line:

The Vidarr actions also generates some useful tags:

Vidarr actions have a few states they can be in:

Static Actions

Due to the imperfect nature of reality, it might be useful to launch bespoke actions not defined by olives. To do this, create a JSON file that ends in .actnow.

Shesmu will add these actions to its queue and attempt to run them as if they were produced by an olive.