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Analysis provenance tracking server

Víðarr Plugin Developer’s Guide

Víðarr uses plugins to allow interaction with a diverse set of systems. Plugins are loaded by the Java ServiceLoader and exported by the Java module system using the provides keyword. All plugins need to depend only on the ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.pluginapi module to hook into the Víðarr infrastructure.

There are several services that a plugin can provide and a plugin is free to provide multiple. Plugins are loaded from JSON data in the Vidarr configuration file or, in the case of an unload filter, user requests, using Jackson. Each plugin can load whatever Jackson-compatible data from JSON it requires. Each plugin has a small “provider” class which provides type information for Jackson. In the JSON file, the "type" attribute will be used to create the appropriate class instance. The provider class lists what values for "type" correspond to what Java objects that Jackson should load. Since objects are instantiated by Jackson, most have a startup method that is called after loading is complete where the plugin can do any initialisation required. If it throws exceptions, the Vidarr server will fail to start, which is probably the correct behaviour for a badly misconfigured plugin.

As an example of a configuration file:

"consumableResources": {
  "total": {
    "maximum": 500,
    "type": "max-in-flight"

The "type": "max-in-flight" property is used to connect this configuration to ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.core.MaxInFlightConsumableResource. The "maximum" property is populated by Jackson into an instance of that class. Here "total" is an arbitrary name set by the server administrator they will use in the "targets" section of the main configuration file.

These are high-level overviews of the purpose and general constraints for each service. The JavaDoc for each interface provides the details for how the interfaces should behave.

Additionally, plugins communicate with the outside world through the types they expect. A description of the types is provided in ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.SimpleType and the format for the values is meant to be compatible with Shesmu’s.

Plugins are meant to run asynchronously. Most plugins are given a WorkMonitor instance which allows a plugin to communicate back to Víðarr and schedule future asynchronous tasks. Plugins must implement recovery from crash, so are expected to journal their current state to the database. The WorkMonitor provides methods to journal state to the database for crash recovery and to provide status information to users.

Most plugins have a recover method. If Vidarr is restarted, the plugin will be asked to recover its state from the last state information in journaled to the database using the WorkMonitor. Plugins are expected to be able to pick up where they left off based only on this information.

See Víðarr Code Style for preferred code formatting.

Consumable Resource

Consumable resources implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.ConsumableResourceProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.ConsumableResource. These plugins are responsible for delaying workflow run execution until resources are available.

The plugins can be associated with targets in the server configuration. Consumable resources may request that submitters provide information or operate on the existence of a workflow run. Consumable resources is a broad term for anything that can be used to delay a workflow run from launching. Some of them are “quota”-type resources (such as RAM, disk, max-in-flight) where the resources must be available at the start of its run and it holds the resource until the workflow completes (successfully or not), at which point the resource may be reused by another workflow run. Within quota-type, some require information (e.g., the amount of RAM), while others are based purely on the existence of the workflow run (e.g., max-in-flight). The priority consumable resources operates within the restrictions imposed from quota resources and allows users to manually set the order in which workflow runs will launch. Other resource are more “throttling”-type. These include maintenance schedules and Prometheus alerts which block workflow runs from starting but don’t track anything once the workflow run is underway.

Consumable resources are long-running. Whenever Vidarr attempts to run a workflow, it will consult the consumable resources to see if there is capacity to run the workflow (the request method). At that point the consumable resource must make a decision as to whether the workflow can proceed. Once the workflow has finished running (successfully or not), Vidarr will release the resource so that it can be used again. When Vidarr restarts, any running workflows will be called with recover to indicate that the resource is being used and the resource cannot stop the workflow even if the resource is over-capacity.

Consumable resources can request data from the user, if desired. The inputFromSubmitter can return an empty optional to indicate that no information is required or can indicate the name and type of information that is required. The request and release methods will contain a copy of this information, encoded as JSON, if the submitter provided it. The JSON data has been type-checked by Vidarr, so it should be safe to convert to the expected type using Jackson.

Sometimes, consumable resources are doing scoring that would be helpful to know for debugging purposes. In that case, the resource can return a custom ConsumableResourceResponse that uses the Visitor.set method to export numeric statistics that will be available in the "tracing" property. Víðarr will prefix these variables with the consumable resource’s name.

Input Provisioners

Input provisioners implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.InputProvisionerProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.InputProvisioner. These plugins are responsible for taking files from existing workflows or provided by the user and generating a file path that a workflow can use. Input provisioners can choose to handle only some kinds of input data (files vs directories) and the system administrator can choose multiple provisoners to handle both.

This plugin and the workflow plugins must have a mutual understanding of what a file path means. That is somewhat the responsibility of the system administrator. For instance, if in an HPC environment with shared disk, the system administrator must direct the input provisioner plugin to write to a shared directory instead of, say, /tmp and ensure the right permissions are set up. These are not the responsibility of the plugin author.

The class BaseJsonInputProvisioner is a partial implementation that can store crash recovery information in a JSON object of the implementor’s choosing, making recovery easier.

Output Provisioners

Output provisioners implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.OutputProvisionerProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.OutputProvisioner. These plugins are responsible for taking data (files or JSON values) from completed workflows, moving the data into permanent storage and writing back a file path or URL that will be associated with the correct external identifiers. Output provisioners can choose to handle only some kinds of output data (files, logs, data-warehouse entries, or QC judgements) and the system administrator can choose multiple provisioners to handle all the input types they require.

Output provisioners are run twice for each workflow: a preflight and a provision out. The preflight is run before the workflow has started and allows the plugin to validate any configuration metadata provided by the submitter (i.e., Shesmu) to check it for validity. Once the workflow is completed, the provision out step will be run with the metadata provided by the submitter and the output provided by the workflow.

The class BaseJsonOutputProvisioner is a partial implementation that can store crash recovery information in a JSON object of the implementer’s choosing, making recovery easier.

Runtime Provisioners

Runtime provisioners implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.RuntimeProvisionerProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.RuntimeProvisioner. These plugins are responsible for extracting non-specific output from a workflow. While output provisioners are fed specific data from a workflow (e.g., output file), runtime provisioners operate on the workflow run as a whole. They can provision out information such as performance metrics, workflow run logs, or machine statistics.

This plugin and the workflow plugins must have a mutual understanding of what a workflow engine’s identifier means. That is somewhat the responsibility of the system administrator.

The class BaseJsonRuntimeProvisioner is a partial implementation that can store crash recovery information in a JSON object of the implementer’s choosing, making recovery easier.

Workflow Engine

Workflow engines implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.WorkflowEngineProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.WorkflowEngine. These plugins are responsible for running workflows and collecting the output from the workflow. A workflow engine can support multiple languages (see ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.WorkflowLanguage for a complete list) and indicates which ones are allowed via the supports method.

The workflow engine will be given the complete input to the workflow (with real paths provided by the input provisioners) and the workflow itself. Once the workflow has completed, it must provide a JSON structure that references the output of the workflow. Vidarr will identify the output files generated by the workflow engine and they will be passed to the output provisioners.

After the output provisioners have completed, the workflow engine will be called again to cleanup any output, if this is appropriate. If the workflow engine does not support cleanup, it should gracefully succeed during the clean-up (and clean-up recovery) methods.

The class BaseJsonWorkflowEngine is a partial implementation that can store crash recovery information in a JSON object of the implementer’s choosing, making recovery easier.

Unload Filters

Unload filters implement ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.UnloadFilterProvider and ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.UnloadFilter. These plugins allow customisable selection of workflows for unloading. For an understanding of unloading filters, see Loading and Unloading.

The user will specify a filter as a JSON object with a "type" property. The classes implementing UnloadFilter will be deserialized by Jackson. The UnloadFilterProvider associates the strings used in "type" to the objects. One provider can provide multiple filter types. The types used should be plugin-filter; names without dashes and names starting with vidarr- are reserved by Víðarr. The filter can have dashes in it if desired. If two plugins provide duplicate type names, Víðarr will fail to load.

Once a filter is deserialised, it needs to convert the request into a query Víðarr can apply to its database. That is, it needs to be converted to a query made of only workflow, workflow run, and external key matches. The server will call convert with an UnloadFilter.Visitor so that the filter can determine whatever information it needs and generate an output query.

For example, if external keys are connected to Pinery, then a filter might want to filter on runs. A filter could query Pinery and get all the external identifiers associated with that run and then construct a query based on those to match workflow runs that use any of those identifiers.

Priority Consumable Resource Inputs, Formulas, and Scorers

The priority consumable resource takes plugins for the inputs, formulas, and scorers. These are used by the Priority Consumable Resource. This follows the same pattern as the other plugins: an implementation of ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.PriorityInput, ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.PriorityFormula, or ca.on.oicr.gsi.vidarr.PriorityScorer for the input, formula, and scorers, respectively and there needs to be a corresponding implementation of PriorityFormulaProvider, PriorityInputProvider, or PriorityScorerProvider.

In the priority consumable resource’s configuration, the "type" property will select the appropriate input, formula, or scorer and deserialize it as a JSON object.

Each component will be called for every pending workflow run, so the analysis should be relatively fast. PriorityInput implementations should cache results from external services.

Provided Implementations

This core implementation provides several plugins independent of external systems.

Consumable Resources

Consumable resources provided in Víðarr core.

Manual Override

Allows overriding a consumable resource to permit workflow runs to run even if they would hit a limit.

The manual override wraps another consumable resource to allow by-passing its logic. The "inner" property is the configuration for the consumable resource to wrap. It maintains an allow-list of workflow run IDs that can run even if the resource would deny them access. The list of allowed IDs is lost on server shutdown.

  "inner": { "type": ...},
  "type": "manual-override"

All the configuration parameters for the inner consumable resource are unmodified, so this is not a workflow-run visible change. To add or remove workflow run IDs to the allow list, send an HTTP POST or DELETE request to /consumable-resource/name/allowed/run where name is the consumable resource name and run is the workflow run ID. The current list can be retrieved by making a GET request to /consumable-resource/name/allowed.

As an example, suppose you wish to have a max-in-flight, but want to run something urgent. The configuration would look like:

"global-max": {
  "inner": {
    "type": "max-in-flight",
    "maximum": 500
  "type": "manual-override"

And when that urgent deadline happens for a special workflow run:

curl -X POST


Set a global maximum number of workflow runs that can be simultaneously active.

  "maximum": 500,
  "type": "max-in-flight"

Priority Consumable Resource

The priority consumable resource operates by computing a number, a priority, for each workflow run and then allowing the workflow run to proceed based on that number.

The resource first takes data from the submission request and then implementations of PriorityInput consume this data and produce a numeric value. Those values are then consumed by PriorityFormula to produce a final definitive score from all the numbers. If a default priority is provided, the submission request can contain no information and the inputs and formula will be skipped and the default priority will be used instead.

The priority is then scored by a PriorityScorer which determines if the workflow is allowed to run or not.

See the other sections for the possible inputs, formulas, and scorers.

  "type": "priority",
  "defaultPriority": null,
  "inputs": {
    "foo": ...,
    "bar": ...
  "formula": ...,
  "scorer": ...

Input Provisioners

Input provisioners provided in Víðarr core.


Allows selecting multiple different input provisioners depending on a "type" provided in the metadata.

  "type": "oneOf",
  "provisioners": {
    "name1": {...},
    "name2": {...},


Allows input to be provided as a string that is assumed to be a path.

  "type": "raw",
  "format": [ "FILE", "DIRECTORY" ]

This can be limited to a particular input type format.

Output Provisioner

Output provisioners provided in Víðarr core.


Allows selecting multiple different output provisioners depending on a "type" provided in the metadata.

  "type": "oneOf",
  "provisioners": {
    "name1": {...},
    "name2": {...},

Priority Input

Priority inputs provided in Víðarr core.

JSON Array

Takes input as an index into an array and returns the value in that array. If the index is less than zero, "underflowPriority" is returned. If the index is beyond the end of the array, "overflowPriority" is used. The priorities are stored in "file" which must be a JSON file containing an array of integers.

  "type": "json-array",
  "file": "/path/to/list.json"
  "overflowPriority": 0,
  "underflowPriority": 1000

JSON Dictionary

Takes input as a string and looks up the value of that in a dictionary. If the input is not in the dictionary, "defaultPriority" is used. The priorities are stored in "file" which must be a JSON object where all the values are integers.

  "type": "json-dictionary",
  "defaultPriority": 0,
  "file": "/path/to/obj.json"


Allows the submitter to select one of multiple priority inputs using a tagged union.

  "type": "oneOf",
  "defaultPriority": 0,
  "inputs": {
    "FOO": {...},
    "BAR": {...}

The input will take a tagged union/algebraic data type with the appropriate inputs. If the name provided by the submitter does not match one of the inputs, "defaultPriority" is used instead. The names of the keys of "inputs" should be capitalized for compatibility with Shesmu.

Prometheus Input

Reads a variable from Prometheus, filtering on the label set, and returns the current value.

  "type": "prometheus",
  "cacheRequestTimeout": 1,
  "cacheTtl": 15,
  "defaultPriority": 0,
  "labels": ["bob"],
  "query": "some_prometheus_variable",
  "url": "",
  "workflowNameLabel": "workflow",
  "workflowVersionLabel": null

The process this input provider uses is as follows:

  1. Execute "query" on the Prometheus instance at "url". The query can be any valid Prometheus query. If it takes longer than "cacheRequestTimeout" minutes, then the query will be treated as a failure. The results will be cached for "cacheTtl" minutes before being refreshed.
  2. The submission request will be processed into a label set as described below.
  3. All the records that were returned by the query are scanned for a matching label set.
  4. If a matching label set is found, the last recorded value will be used, regardless of when Prometheus observed it.
  5. If no matching label set is found, "defaultPriority" will be used.

The label set is constructed from the submission request. For each string in "labels", the submitter must provide a string value. These labels and values will be used as the label set. For example, with the configuration "labels": ["bob"], the submission request could have {"bob": "eggs"} and the filtered label set would look like [bob=eggs]. Additionally, special labels are available for the workflow name and version. If "workflowNameLabel": "workflow" and the submission request was for bcl2fastq, then the label set would be [workflow=bcl2fastq]. This can be further refined with a workflow version using "workflowVersionLabel", which will only be used if "workflowNameLabel" is not null. Both of these can be turned off by being set to null.

Raw Priority Input

Takes an optional integer from the submission request and returns it raw, or "defaultPriority" if not provided.

  "type": "raw",
  "defaultPriority": 0

Remote Input

Takes an arbitrary JSON value and sends it to remote HTTP endpoint for evaluation. That endpoint must return a single number. The result will be cached. The "schema" is a standard Víðarr type that should be requested from the submission request.

  "type": "remote",
  "defaultPriority": 0,
  "schema": "string",
  "ttl": 15,
  "url": ""

The "schema" property defines a type, including an object types, that will be required on submission. The data provided by the submission will be sent via POST request as the body to the URL provided. The endpoint must respond with an integer for the priority or null to use the default priority. The result will be cached for "ttl" minutes before being reattempted.

Tuple-Wrapping Input

This changes the type of an input provider for compatibility with Shesmu. The crux is this: Shesmu’s tagged unions are more limited than Víðarr’s. Shesmu requires that a tagged union have a tuple or object while Víðarr permits either of those. When using the one-of input source, this introduces the possibility of creating a type that Shesmu cannot process. This allows wrapping a priority input’s type in a single element tuple, thereby making it compatible with Shesmu.

  "type": "tuple",
  "inner": {...}

Priority Formula

Priority formulas provided in Víðarr core.


Returns a constant value.

  "type": "constant",
  "value": 100

Input Variable

Accesses one of the input scores. If no input score has the identifier "name", the minimum integer value is used.

  "type": "input",
  "name: "foo"

Minimum and Maximum

Takes the minimum or maximum of other formulas.

  "type": "maximum",
  "components": [ ... ]


  "type": "minimum",
  "components": [ ... ]


Computes the product of other formulas (i.e., multiplies their scores).

  "type": "product",
  "components": [ ... ]


Computes the difference between two formulas; the result of "left" minus the result of "right".

  "type": "difference",
  "left": ...,
  "right": ...


Computes the summation of other formulas (i.e., adds their scores).

  "type": "sum",
  "components": [ ... ]

Temporal Escalating with Multiplier

Increases the priority as a workflow run sits around. The duration the workflow run has been waiting is looked up in the "escalation" object; the keys are an ISO-8601 duration and the values are a floating point number. The smallest matching duration is used and the score is multiplied by the value provided. Values need to be greater than 1 to increase priority. If workflow run has been waiting less than the smallest duration in the dictionary, the original priority is used. The original priority is provided using the "base" formula.

  "type": "escalating-multiplier",
  "base": ...,
  "escalation": {
    "PT1H": 1.2,
    "PT12H": 2.0

Temporal Escalating with Offset

Increases the priority as a workflow run sits around. The duration the workflow run has been waiting is looked up in the "escalation" object; the keys are an ISO-8601 duration and the values are an integer. The smallest matching duration is used and the value provided is added to the original score. Values need to be greater than 1 to increase priority. If workflow run has been waiting less than the smallest duration in the dictionary, the original priority is used. The original priority is provided using the "base" formula.

  "type": "escalating-offset",
  "base": ...,
  "escalation": {
    "PT1H": 10,
    "PT12H": 100

Priority Scorer

Priority scorers provided in Víðarr core.

All Of

Checks several priority scorers and allows permits the workflow run to proceed if all scorers allow it to proceed.

  "type": "all",
  "scorers": [ ... ]

This can be combined with the ranked max-in-flight family to allow a global limit with per-workflow limits. For example:

  "scorers": [
      "maxInFlight": 500,
      "type": "ranked-max-in-flight"
      "maxInFlight": 20,
      "useCustom": true,
      "type": "ranked-max-in-flight-by-workflow"
  "type": "all"

This would let the top 500 workflow runs to execute as long as they are also among the top 20 workflow run in their respective workflow type.

Any Of

Checks several priority scorers and allows permits the workflow run to proceed if any scorer would allow it to proceed.

  "type": "any",
  "scorers": [ ... ]


Allows the workflow run to start if the score is strictly greater than "cutoff".

  "type": "cutoff",
  "cutoff": 9000

Ranked Max-in-flight

Ranks workflow runs by score and allows the top ones to run, where the number allowed to run is "maxInFlight". This workflow makes a best effort to keep the total number running at or below that limit, but various conditions, including server relaunch or being used in an "any" scorer, may cause it to exceed that bound.

This scorer comes in a few flavours:

The limit cannot be set individually per workflow in this configuration. However, "ranked-max-in-flight-by-workflow" and "ranked-max-in-flight-by-workflow-version" have an additional property "useCustom", which will use the max-in-flight values set when a workflow is created, as is visible through the /api/max-in-flight endpoint. In that case "maxInFlight" is treated as a fallback.

  "type": "ranked-max-in-flight",
  "maxInFlight": 500


  "type": "ranked-max-in-flight-by-workflow",
  "useCustom": true,
  "maxInFlight": 50


  "type": "ranked-max-in-flight-by-workflow",
  "useCustom": false,
  "maxInFlight": 50