
Understanding the Shesmu compiler

This is a guide to understanding the Shesmu olive compiler. This is meant to explain the core components that get the language to Java bytecode.

It assumes you have:

Since the compiler will continue to expand and change, the bytecode dumps in this tutorial may be different from future output of the compiler. However, the core behaviour of the Shesmu compiler is based on Java’s Stream, which is stable, so they will be functionally similar. Bytecode dumps can be seen on the olive dashboard.

Remember: JVM bytecode lacks generic type information. All the generic type information is shown in its erased form.

To start off, compiling a simple script:

 Input shesmu;

is compiled to:

public class dyn/shesmu/Program extends ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionGenerator {

  public <init>()V
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKESPECIAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionGenerator.<init> ()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

  private clearGauge()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

  public synchronized run(Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionConsumer;Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/InputProvider;)V
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKEVIRTUAL dyn/shesmu/Program.clearGauge ()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

  public static <clinit>()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

This class, dyn.shesmu.Program, extends the ActionGenerator superclass, which is used by the server to execute actions. The class name is reused for every script, but since each is loaded by a separate class loader, they are not in conflict.

The constructor is relatively boring; it just calls the super-constructor. The run method is where all the interesting things happen:

Let’s move to a script with an olive:

Input shesmu;
  Run nothing With value = type;

The output bytecode is more complicated. It is laid out below in chunks with commentary.

The initialisation is much the same:

public class dyn/shesmu/Program extends ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionGenerator {

  public <init>()V
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKESPECIAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionGenerator.<init> ()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

  private clearGauge()V
    MAXSTACK = 0

  public synchronized run(Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionConsumer;Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/InputProvider;)V
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKEVIRTUAL dyn/shesmu/Program.clearGauge ()V

Now there are interesting differences. First, the current time is stored for timing the olive runtime.

    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/System.nanoTime ()J
    LSTORE 3

Now, a stream of the correct type must be started that will contain the right objects. The supplied argument is ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.InputProvider and its purpose is to provide a stream of values for a class specified by the input format. The olives can request all the data for the required format.

For every script, there is one input format. At the top of the file Input shesmu; selects the input format. Each format has a corresponding InputFormatDefinition class. For Input shesmu;, describes the input format. Each input format has a method itemClass() that returns a class that holds the values that are passed through the stream, that is, the T in InputProvider.<T>fetch. For ShesmuIntrospectionFormatDefinition, the specified class is ca.on.oicr.shesmu.core.input.shesmu.ShesmuIntrospectionValue.

When the InputProvider.fetch is invoked, it will provide a stream of data of the correct type from all the input repositories. If the input format is a BaseInputFormatDefinition<V,R> as described in the plugin implementation guide, this will call effectively do ServiceLoader.load(R.class).stream().flatMap(InputRepository::stream):

    ALOAD 2
    LDC Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue;.class
    INVOKEINTERFACE ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/InputProvider.fetch (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream; (itf)

This particular olive has no filters, so, a method reference/lambda is generated and then forEach is called on the stream and the stream is closed:

    ALOAD 0
    ALOAD 1
    INVOKEDYNAMIC accept(Ldyn/shesmu/Program;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)Ljava/util/function/Consumer; [
      // handle kind 0x6 : INVOKESTATIC
      // arguments:
      // handle kind 0x5 : INVOKEVIRTUAL
      dyn/shesmu/Program.Run nothing 2:6(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue;)V, 
    INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/stream/Stream.forEach (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V (itf)
    INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/stream/Stream.close ()V (itf)

Finally, the olive’s run time is recorded using the time stored earlier:

    GETSTATIC ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionGenerator.OLIVE_RUN_TIME : Lio/prometheus/client/Gauge;
    ANEWARRAY java/lang/String
    LDC "/home/amasella/shesmu/local/example.shesmu"
    LDC "2"
    INVOKEVIRTUAL io/prometheus/client/Gauge.labels ([Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    CHECKCAST io/prometheus/client/Gauge$Child
    INVOKESTATIC java/lang/System.nanoTime ()J
    LLOAD 3
    LDC 1.0E9
    INVOKEVIRTUAL io/prometheus/client/Gauge$Child.set (D)V

And the run method is finished:

    MAXSTACK = 0

The signature feature of Shesmu can generate two kinds of signatures: ones that are the same for any input and ones that are computed from the input data. The first are stored as constants and the second are method.

Therefore, the class constructor, <clinit>, prepares the ones that are constants:

  static J Olive 2:6 signable_count

  static Ljava/util/Set; Olive 2:6 signable_names

  static J Olive 2:6 signature_count

  static Ljava/util/Set; Olive 2:6 signature_names
  public static <clinit>()V
    PUTSTATIC dyn/shesmu/Program.Olive 2:6 signable_count : J
    NEW java/util/TreeSet
    INVOKESPECIAL java/util/TreeSet.<init> ()V
    PUTSTATIC dyn/shesmu/Program.Olive 2:6 signable_names : Ljava/util/Set;
    PUTSTATIC dyn/shesmu/Program.Olive 2:6 signature_count : J
    NEW java/util/TreeSet
    INVOKESPECIAL java/util/TreeSet.<init> ()V
    PUTSTATIC dyn/shesmu/Program.Olive 2:6 signature_names : Ljava/util/Set;
    MAXSTACK = 0

and the signatures based on data are created as methods:

  private static Olive 2:6 json_signature(Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue;)Ljava/lang/String;
    NEW ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/signers/JsonSigner
    INVOKESPECIAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/signers/JsonSigner.<init> ()V
    INVOKEINTERFACE ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/Signer.finish ()Ljava/lang/Object; (itf)
    CHECKCAST java/lang/String
    MAXSTACK = 0

  private static Olive 2:6 sha1_signature(Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue;)Ljava/lang/String;
    NEW ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/signers/SHA1DigestSigner
    INVOKESPECIAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/signers/SHA1DigestSigner.<init> ()V
    INVOKEINTERFACE ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/Signer.finish ()Ljava/lang/Object; (itf)
    CHECKCAST java/lang/String
    MAXSTACK = 0

Earlier, a method was referenced that would be converted to a Consumer and fed to the forEach call. Here, this method is defined. This method will produce an action (or alert if an Alert olive):

  private Run nothing 2:6(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue;)V

It constructs a new action:

    NEW ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/NothingAction
    INVOKESPECIAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/NothingAction.<init> ()V
    ASTORE 3

The loads in all the arguments:

    ALOAD 3
    ALOAD 2
    INVOKEVIRTUAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/input/shesmu/ShesmuIntrospectionValue.type ()Ljava/lang/String;
    PUTFIELD ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/NothingAction.value : Ljava/lang/String;

Then sends the action in to the consumer with data about the olive that generated it:

    ALOAD 3
    INVOKEVIRTUAL ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/core/NothingAction.prepare ()V
    ALOAD 1
    ALOAD 3
    LDC "/home/amasella/shesmu/local/example.shesmu"
    BIPUSH 6
    LDC 1546533662036
    INVOKEINTERFACE ca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/ActionConsumer.accept (Lca/on/oicr/gsi/shesmu/Action;Ljava/lang/String;IIJ)Z (itf)
    MAXSTACK = 0

This is the end of the example olive bytecode.

Olive Design and Lambdas

Every clause in an olive generates additional calls to methods in Java’s Stream or methods in Shesmu’s RuntimeSupport to manipulate the stream. Those methods take parameters: some of which are simple values; others are method references/lambdas.

When generating lambdas, it’s important to understand captures. Take the following Java code:

IntUnaryOperator adder(int offset) {
   return x -> x + offset;

When Java compiler it, it creates two methods:

IntUnaryOperator adder(int offset)
static int adder$lambda$0(int offset, int x)

When adder creates a IntUnaryOperator for adder$lambda$0, it must determine which values from the enclosing context must be forced into the returned lambda. These values are called captures. In this case, this isn’t captured, so the target method is static, but if it accesses fields, then this must be captured.

The Shesmu compiler must capture things in the same way. This gets much more complicated since Java’s captures are either explicit references or, implicitly, this. Shesmu needs to capture:

Most of this capturing is necessary because of Define. Take the following:

 Input shesmu;

 Define foo(string x)
   Where type = x;

What does the signature of foo look like in bytecode?

Let’s assume it’s void foo(String x) and build outward from there.

First, it must take stream of ShesmuIntrospectionValue and return a modified stream:

Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> foo(
  Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> input,
  String x)

Second, when updating the olive data flow information, it needs to associate that data with the calling olive, so it needs to take the line and column:

Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> foo(
  Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> input,
  int line,
  int column,
  String x)

It’s possible to use signatures inside the Define, but the variables that can be included in the signature can come from both the caller and callee:

Input shesmu;

Define foo(string x)
  Where type = x; # A signature used here should have both `type`
                     and `changed` in it
  Where now > changed + 3hour
  Run ...;

Therefore, signatures must be passed:

Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> foo(
  Stream<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> input,
  int line,
  int column,
  long signature_count,
  long signable_count,
  Set<String> signature_names,
  Set<String> signable_names,
  Function<ShesmuIntrospectionValue, String> sha1_signature,
  Function<ShesmuIntrospectionValue, String> json_signature,
  String x)

Currently, all signatures are passed, but that could be improved.

In the case of the Where clause, Predicate<ShesmuIntrospectionValue> needs to be generated. It will have a different signature:

boolean check(
  Instant now,
  ShesmuIntrospectionValue streamValue)

By Java convention, when making a lambda, the arguments to the lambda itself come after the captures. In the case of Shesmu’s use of stream, this is always the stream value (i.e., the current item in the stream).

When accessing the stream variable changed, it will generate code like:


This seems straight forward enough, but it’s complicated by adding For expression, which are also implemented using Stream. Consider:

Input shesmu;

  Where For l In locations: Any l.timestamp > generated;
  Run ...;

When evaluating l.timestamp == generated, generated comes from ShesmuIntrospectionValue in the outer olive stream while l.timestamp comes from the inner stream generated by the For. In Java, this would be something like:

   .filter(x -> x.l().stream().anyMatch(l -> l.timestamp() > x.generated()))

All this implicit capturing can produce some pretty yikes methods, but if you look at lambda-heavy Java code, the methods also tend to be pretty yikes.

There’s a constant trade off here: more complexity in the compiler can be used to avoid capturing unnecessary values.

The Group and LeftJoin operations are particularly gnarly since they have multiple expressions connected together. For instance, consider:

  ys = Where z List y + a
By x

If x, y and z are all stream variables, then only a is captured.

For grouping, two functions are needed: one which makes a key to split the data up into subsets, and then one that merges everything in a subset together.

For ease, the compiler will generate a single set of captures for both of those operations. That means that the key operation will capture a even though it doesn’t need it.

Compiler Mechanics

The compiler operates in a few phases:

  1. Parse the file into a parse tree, rooted as a ProgramNode.
  2. Resolve input formats, actions, functions, and Define/call references.
  3. Resolve variables.
  4. Check the type and stream purity of everything.
  5. Convert everything to bytecode. This is in the render methods.

There are a lot of classes in the compiler, but the major ones are:

For details on components, the JavaDoc outlines the behaviour and expectations of the classes. Most of the documentation is on the abstract classes and the concrete classes have less since they just execute the behaviour defined by the abstract class.

For general naming conventions:

ExpressionNode has many similar clones. For instance, there is an expression node for For and then ones for each of the sources, clauses, subsamples, and collectors in a For expression, containing other expressions. While these are structurally different, they are built very similarly to ExpressionNode.

The method collectFreeVariabes is used to find variables used in expressions. It serves multiple functions:

Type Information

The type system for Shesmu is meant to be very simple and static. There is no inheritance and no automatic conversion. It’s also entirely bottom up. For instance, in Java, type information flows both ways:

 List<Foo> x = new ArrayList<>();

Type information about the type argument Foo is flowing in the opposite direction as the type information about ArrayList<Foo> being assigned to List<Foo>.

In Shesmu, everything flows from the leaves of the tree towards the root. For instance:

 path_file(dir + 'x.txt')

If dir cannot be resolved or was defined by an expression that has a type error, this has no valid type. Even though we know that path_file expects a path type and the + operator can combine two paths. Shesmu will simply give up. This is meant to keep the compiler simple.

Bytecode Generation

When generating bytecode, Shesmu uses GeneratorAdapter from the ASM package to write bytecode. It wraps this in a ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.compiler.Renderer class. Renderer provides a number of utility functions, such as inserting Imyhat objects into the bytecode. Its real purpose is to track extra information. It knows where the current stream value is stored, which will be different through many layers of capturing. It also tracks how to access signatures.

The ASM bytecode generation library has a class Type that describes JVM types. A Type object can be constructed either by knowing the JVM name for a class, or by using Type.getType(Foo.class) where Foo is the class.

Stream Purity

Shesmu has two kinds of stream purity: olive-level (type) and For-level (order). They are conceptually similar, but perform different functions.

For all operations on Java streams, the order or type of the items can be changed by some operations.

In the case of olives, Group, Join, LeftJoin change the type of the stream value while Where, Monitor, Reject, and Pick do not. A Define olive has more stringent requirements; the original type of the input stream (as defined in Input x;) is the only valid input type for Define olives. Therefore, no type-changing operation can precede a call, but the operations that do not modify the type can precede a call, including call operations to Define olives that do not modify the type. Shesmu must figure out a stream purity to ensure that call operations will be type-safe. Additionally, signatures must be computed over the clauses in the original type-pure stream plus the input half of the first transformative clause.

In For clauses, the type is not important, however, the sorting is. In Shesmu, we want values given to olives to be stable. If, say, a bunch of items are going to be concatenated into a string, they must be in a well-defined order. Therefore, each clause in a For can be either order-preserving (e.g., Where), order-creating (e.g., Sort), order-destroying (e.g., Flatten), or order-dependent (e.g. Reverse, Skip, Subsample).

The order checking makes sure that a chain of operations will have a stable meaningful operation. For instance, the following is not meaningful:

For x In xs: Reverse FixedConcat x With ","

Reverse requires an order that isn’t present in the original. The following is valid:

For x In xs: Sort x.timestamp Reverse FixedConcat x.library_name With ","

Even though the final output doesn’t contain the timestamps, the output will be stable based on the input.

The final collector matters. If the operation is Count, then order is irrelevant. The following is valid, though kind of pointless:

For x In xs: Sort x.timestamp Flatten (y In x.libraries) Count

The Sort operation has its order destroyed by the Flatten, however Count doesn’t care either way. The goal is to stop the user from writing dangerously unstable output, not inefficient code.

Flatten is not always order-destroying. If the input and output of the flattening is ordered, then there is still order:

For x In [ {1, ["a,b,c"], {3,["z,y,x"]} ]:
  Sort x[0]
  Flatten (y Splitting x[1] By /,/)
  FixedConcat y