
Implementing Plugins for Shesmu

Shesmu does not provide much out-of-the-box. Every environment is going to be very different, so Shesmu is designed to be very modular. If the available plugins are suitable, great. If not, it was designed to be easy to extend.

General Plugin Infrastructure

Shesmu uses ServiceLoader to find plugins. For service loaders to work, a plugin should extend the service interface, be included in a provides line in the module-info for the service interface, and placed into a JAR on the module path. The Java libraries will take care of the rest.

In a typical Maven build file, the following is necessary to get the basic dependencies:


Shesmu provides all monitoring output via Prometheus. All the infrastructure is wired in, so simply building instruments and using .register() will add them to the monitoring output.

General Principles

For all types of plugins in Shesmu:

  1. Shesmu is heavily multi-threaded, so plugins must be thread-safe. Locking is permitted, but blocking should be avoided.
  2. Configuration is handled by the plugin and no configuration can be provided by command line arguments.
  3. The Shesmu server has no state. Upon restart, a Shesmu instance has to recover its state by reading in all the input data again and generating all actions again through the olives.

Provided Utilities

The class AutoUpdatingDirectory provides a mechanism to scan for new configuration files in the Shesmu data directory and update the files when they change on disk.

Types and Erasure

The correct handling of types in Shesmu is complicated. There are different but interlocking type systems:

  1. The Java type system
  2. The JVM type system
  3. The Shesmu type system
  4. The JSON type system

Shesmu’s type system describe the types of every type that can be used in an olive. Because the name Type is used by the ASM library, the library used by Shesmu to generate JVM bytecode, Shesmu’s types are represented by Imyhat objects (this is an Ancient Egyptian word for mould of conduct).

Java’s type system is similar to, but more sophisticated than, the JVM type system. In particular, generic types in Java are erased on the JVM.

Shesmu’s types are also erased in a way that is similar to Java’s. This matters for Shesmu’s lists, which are Java’s Set underneath. Shesmu’s tuples are erased to Object values. Although some of these JVM types may be null, Shesmu olives cannot handle null values. If you need nullable values, use java.util.Optional. Optional can be empty, but not null.

Name JVM Type Syntax Signature
Integer long / J integer i
Float double / D float f
String java.lang.String string s
Boolean boolean / z boolean b
Date java.time.Instant date d
JSON com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode json j
List java.lang.Set [inner] ainner
Empty List java.lang.Set [] A
Tuple ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.Tuple {t1,t2,} t n t1 t2 Where n is the number of elements in the tuple.
Object ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.Tuple {f1 = t1,f2 = t2,} o n f1$t1 f2$t2 Where n is the number of elements in the object. Fields must be sorted alphabetically.
Algebraic ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.AlgebraicValue NAME u1NAME$t0
Algebraic ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.AlgebraicValue NAME {t1,t2,} u1NAME$t n t1 t2 Where n is the number of elements in the tuple.
Algebraic ca.on.oicr.gsi.shesmu.AlgebraicValue NAME {f1 = t1,f2 = t2,} u1NAME$o n f1$t1 f2$t2 Where n is the number of elements in the object. Fields must be sorted alphabetically.
Optional java.util.Optional inner? qinner
Optional java.util.Optional nothing Q
Dict java.util.Map k -> v m k v

If you require a type as part of your configuration, Imyhat can be serialised and unserialised by Jackson with JSON-enhanced descriptors. See types in the language description.

In JSON documents, Shesmu types must be converted to the more limited types available. Again, there is a type erasure, so the Shesmu Imyhat type is necessary to convert a JSON document back into an interpretable format.

Name JSON Type
Integer number
String string
Boolean boolean
Date number of milliseconds since epoch
List array
Tuple array
Object object
Algebraic object; see Algebraic Values without Algebra
Dict object (if key is a string) or array of arrays containing key-value pairs

Writing an Input Format Plugin

Creating a new source format is meant to be easy, but convoluted in order to be type safe. To create a new source format:

  1. Create a class, V, that will hold all the data for a “row” in the incoming data. It must be a class and not an interface.
  2. Create a parameterless method in V for every variable to be exposed. The method names must be valid Shesmu names (lowercase with underscores) and decorated with @ShesmuVariable annotations with the correct type descriptor. All methods must return boolean, long, String, Instant, Set, or Tuple (and Set and Tuple may only contain more of the same).
  3. Create a new F class that extends InputFormat<V> and provides the types to the constructor as well as a name that will be used in the Input instruction.
  4. In module-info add provides InputFormat with F;.

For each variable, Shesmu can try to infer the type from the return type of the method. If the type is Tuple or an erased Optional, Map, or Set, it must be specified in the type property of the @ShesmuVariable annotation in the type descriptor format.

By default, it will be possible to create files names with .name-input that contains a JSON representation of the input format or .name-remote containing a JSON object with two attributes url indicating where to download the JSON representation and ttl indicating the number of minutes to cache the input. Additionally, once a Shesmu server is active, it will provide the input in the JSON format at /input/ followed by the input format name.

Variable Gangs

Variables in an input format can be attached to gang to provide convenient grouping criteria. Please see the language reference for the purpose and uses of gangs. In the @ShesmuVariable, set:

gangs = { @Gang(name = "useful_stuff", order = 0) })

Since a variable can be part of multiple groups, @Gang can be specified multiple times. All variables using the same name will be bound to the same group. When converting the group to a string or tuple, the order determines the order for this variable. For example:

@ShesmuVariable(gangs = { @Gang(name = "group_a", order = 0) }))
public String foo();
@ShesmuVariable(gangs = {
    @Gang(name = "group_a", order = 1),
    @Gang(name = "group_b", order = 0)
public String bar();
@ShesmuVariable(gangs = { @Gang(name = "group_b", order = 1) }))
public String baz();

In this example {@group_a} would be equivalent to {foo, bar} and {group_b} would be equivalent to {bar, baz}. In By clauses, the order is irrelevant.

Writing a Grouper Plugin

Creating a new grouper is thorny since a lot of generic types are required. The implementation-specific grouping logic is well-isolated from the rest of the system. Effectively, the grouper is a service parameterised over two generic type variables: I, the type of the input rows, and O, the type of the output rows. These are opaque to the grouper and Shesmu will fill in the gaps using the olive. The grouper may request that the olive provide data, of any Shesmu-compatible type, and export extra values to the olive.

Groupers can take parameters from the olive and provide output variables. Both of these can be fixed (the same across all rows) or dynamic (a function that takes an input row as a parameter). There are a number of overrides and super-constructors to handle different numbers of input and output variables. The exact configuration will depend on what information the grouper requires. It may be easiest to implement the grouper and see what information is necessary and then work backward to the grouper definition.

  1. Create a class G that implements Grouper parameterised over I and O.
  2. Create a class D that extends GrouperDefinition and is exposed with provides GrouperDefinition with G; in module-info.
  3. In D, call the appropriate super constructor. They vary by the number of input parameters the grouper requires. Use GrouperParameter to fill in each parameter required.
  4. In D, select a GrouperOutputs to use. This sets the number of variables exported to the olive for each group.
  5. Create a constructor that fits in the pattern of input and outputs in G.
  6. Perform the grouping operation and create a Subgroup for each subgroup.

Note that a grouper will be reused arbitrarily many times by an olive, so do not store any state in fields.

Writing a Plugin

Shesmu has many different systems that can be fed by plugins. Each plugin requires two classes, a PluginFileType that defines the plugin itself and PluginFile that is created for each matching configuration file discovered in the Shesmu data directories.

As a general outline, for a plugin Foo, the two classes would be:

public final class FooPluginType extends PluginFileType<FooFile> {
  public FooPluginType() {
    super(MethodHandles.lookup(), FooFile.class, ".foo");

  FooFile create(Path fileName, String instanceName, Definer definer) {
    return new FooFile(fileName, instanceName, definer);

class FooFile extends PluginFile {
  FooFile(Path fileName, String instanceName, Definer definer) {
    super(fileName, instanceName);
  public void configuration(SectionRenderer renderer) {
    // TODO: provide debugging output

The class extending PluginFileType must have a public no-arguments constructor.

The configuration method is displays configuration panels on the main status page of the Shesmu server and are meant to report the configuration of a plugin.

All plugin integration is provided by:

A number of plugin features can be added to the PluginFileType or the PluginFile. Anything placed in the PluginFileType will be a global definition. When Shesmu administrator creates configuration file, Shesmu will spawn an instance of PluginFile to read that file. Any annotated methods attached the PluginFile will be created per-instance. The name of the configuration file will be included in the definition if it is created per-instance.

Source Linker

Source linkers convert local paths for .shesmu files into URLs for accessing via the action dashboard. To create a new source linker, override sourceUrl in either PluginFileType or PluginFile.


Throttlers temporarily block actions from starting. They can block actions and olives by service names provided by plugins and these names are arbitrary strings. To create a new throttler, override isOverloaded in either PluginFileType or PluginFile.


Dumpers write intermediate values for debugging purposes.

  1. Create a class that implements Dumper. The stop() will be called at the end, even if an exception occurs.
  2. Override findDumper in either PluginFileType or PluginFile.

Dumpers will get an array of values, one for each of the expressions provided by the user, boxed as Object. They must unbox the objects appropriately for themselves. The Imyhat type information can be used for this unboxing using the apply and accept methods.

Constants and Functions

Olive can consume functions and constants from the outside world.

A constant is a value that can be generated with no input. It need not actually be constant (e.g., now is a constant). The Shesmu compiler will arbitrarily copy the value of a constant, so a constant should be side-effect free.

A function is a transformation of input data. It matches with a call to a method. Since there is no user-defined error-handling, these functions should not throw. Also, since Shesmu has no null values, they should not return null when an error occurs.

There are three ways to create a constant or function:

Annotated Methods

In classes derived from PluginFileType or PluginFile classes, create a method and add the @ShesmuMethod annotation. This method will now be exported to Shesmu automatically. If the method takes no arguments, it will be exported as a constant, otherwise as a function.

The method must handle Shesmu-compatible types. Shesmu will try to determine the matching Shesmu type from the type information provided by the JVM. If it cannot determine the correct type, it will throw an error. The correct type can be provided using a Shesmu type descriptor in the type parameter of the @ShesmuMethod for return types or by adding a @ShesmuParameter annotation to any parameters. The @ShesmuParameter annotation can also provide help text.

The name can be provided two ways: from the name of the method itself or from the name parameter of @ShesmuMethod annotation. If the name is associated with a PluginFile class, it must contain a $ which will be replaced with the name of the file. For instance, if the name of the method is $_items and the file name is, then the constant or variable will be available to olives as foo_items.

The @ShesmuMethod annotation also has a description property that will be shown in the definition page. In the description, {instance} and {file} will be replaced with the instance name and configuration file path, respectively.

Using the Definer

The Definer can be used to create functions and constants. It can create as many as desired and they can be updated or erased. For details, see the Definer interface. The Definer interface has multiple versions of the same methods for different needs.


Actions have a complicated set of restrictions. Shesmu pushes a number of questions about how actions work onto the plugin.

Actions are created by the olives as necessary and put in a large set to be processed. When an action is created, arbitrary data can be stored in the action via the constructor (or methods called after construction). This allows an action to have “secret” knowledge not provided by the olive, such as the URL of remote service that should perform the action.

All of the data provided in the With block is done after the action is created. Once all the data is loaded into the action, it is put into the set. The set deduplicates actions from olives based on their hashCode and equals method. Since the same olive will regenerate the same action many, many times during the life of a Shesmu server instance, the deduplication must work properly to decide that two actions with the “same” parameters are identical. Which parameters must be considered for two actions to be identical is entirely chosen by the implementer.

When the system is going to perform actions, it sorts them by how long it has been since the Action was last checked, an Action’s priority (smaller numbers are higher priority), and prioritizes Actions in certain ActionStates. If two actions are going to use the same resource, then priority is a good way to allocate the resource to the most appropriate action. Since new actions are being generated constantly, priority inversion may occur. An item can also return a different priority over its life. A plugin may choose to expose priority as an @ActionParameter so it can be set procedurally by an olive. (See Action Parameters for details.)

At some point, an action will be given time to perform. There is a limited CPU pool for actions to run in, so blocking is strongly discouraged. An action should always start its perform method with:

if (services.isOverloaded("x", "y", "z")) {
  return ActionState.THROTTLED;

where x, y, and z are service names this action should throttle on. These might come from the service configuration (e.g., for a JIRA project ABC, the JIRA ticketing action will throttle on jira and ABC).

After running, it must return an ActionState to indicate its current status. If the action throws an exception, it will be caught, reported, and given ActionState.UNKNOWN.

The meaning of each ActionState is defined in the enum’s documentation. The perform method will be called periodically until SUCCEEDED is returned. If any other value is returned, the action will be retried later. The scheduler will wait until at least retryMinutes() minutes have elapsed before trying again.

When queried by the user, an action can return a JSON representation. This is arbitrary and entirely for the benefit of users. Any information can be included in an appropriate way.

To create an action:

  1. Create a class A that extends Action.
  2. It must provide a unique JSON action type to the superconstructor that will be available for searching via the REST API and the action dashboard. (e.g., jira-open-ticket, nothing, fake)
  3. Override all the methods for the desired behaviour as described above.

To deliver an action to olives using PluginFileType or PluginFile:

  1. Create a static method in PluginFileType or a virtual method in PluginFile that return A
  2. Annotate this method with @ShesmuAction.
  3. Name this method with a Shesmu-compatible name or set the name property in the annotation. If the name is associated with an instance, it must contain a $ which will be substituted for the instance name.
  4. Return a new instance of A from this method.

To deliver an action to olives using a Definer:

  1. Call the defineAction method. This must take A.class, a Supplier<A> and additional parameters.

It is very important to use A and not Action, since this type information is used to discover the properties of the action.

For details on the parameters to an action, see Action Parameters section.

These two methods are a bit different in how they operate:

For instance, the SFTP plugin allows creating file deletion commands. There’s only one way to delete a file and each plugin is connected to one remote server, so it is in a method that creates one action on PluginType, resulting in one action definition per instance.

On the other side, the Vidarr plugin will scan the available workflows on the Vidarr server listed in its configuration and create one action definition for each workflow version. The Definer allows creating custom parameters, so in the case of creating actions for Vidarr workflow, some parameters are baked into the Vidarr submit action, but many are also dynamically created from the information provided by the Vidarr server.

A plugin can freely create both kinds of actions. In fact, the Vidarr plugin has fixed unload actions and dynamically creates actions for workflows.

Typically, dynamically created actions need extra information, so the Definer can capture extra information needed by the action’s constructor as part of the Supplier.

Action Parameters

An action needs to take some data from the Shesmu olive. Since the number of parameters an action might require can be very large, they are not passed to the constructor. Instead, Shesmu will create a new action instance, populate it with data from the olive (in an arbitrary order), and then send the action on to the scheduler. This works a bit like Jackson deserialization or Hibernate mapping, where an empty object is created and then populated from the data being loaded. There are multiple methods to import data from an olive:

  1. Put data in a field or setter method using the @ActionParameter annotation.
  2. Put data in a JSON object using the @JsonParameter annotation. A must extend JsonParameterisedAction.
  3. Put data in a JSON object using the JsonActionParameter class and a Definer. A must extend JsonParameterisedAction.
  4. Use the CustomActionParameter class and a Definer.

When using the @ActionParameter annotation, it may be applied to any field or virtual method taking one argument and returning void. The type will be determined from the Java type where possible. If not possible, use the type attribute of the annotation to provide the Shesmu type descriptor.

When using the @JsonParameter action, multiple annotations can be applied to the class. The class must extend JsonParameterisedAction which returns an ObjectNode into which the parameters will be written. The type information must be provided in the annotation.

Both of these methods created a fixed number of parameters for an action. If the parameters cannot be determined ahead of time, then the Definer provides a way to connect an arbitrary set of parameters to an action. When using the definer, any parameters defined by the annotations are also used.

To define a parameter, the CustomActionParameter class provides a method to write the parameter into the action. JsonParameter is an implementation that writes parameters back as JSON values if the action extends JsonParameterisedAction.


Refill olives write the output to an external store. This is similar to a dumper, but the dumper must accept any data format given to it, while the refiller gets to decide the schema, much like an action. Refillers are designed to allow an olive to upsert or overwrite data in a tabular database. The parameters provide the column values and the nature of olives will deliver a list of entries.

To create a refiller:

  1. Create a class F<T> that extends Refiller<T>. T is the input row type and will be used throughout.
  2. Decide on the schema and set up parameters to collect the readers.
  3. Implement the consume method that uses the readers to consume the data in the provided input stream.

When an olive uses the refiller, a new instance of the refiller will be created. Just as olives populate actions with parameter values, actions populate refillers with parameter functions and a stream of values. The functions can be used to extract the appropriate columns on each incoming stream. Any olive has a different internal data format, so the refiller cannot know the types of these values; it must deal with arbitrary types and the olive will provide it with the functions it requires to manipulate that type.

To deliver a database to olives using PluginFileType or PluginFile:

  1. Create a static method in PluginFileType or a virtual method in PluginFile, parameterized by <T>, that return F<T>. The returned type is used to discover parameters, so it must be the correct subtype.
  2. Annotate this method with @ShesmuRefill.
  3. Name this method with a Shesmu-compatible name or set the name property in the annotation.
  4. Return a new instance of F from this method.

To deliver a database to olives using a Definer:

  1. Call the defineRefiller method. This must take an implementation of RefillerDefiner which returns an implementation of RefillerInfo. These interfaces are there to ensure type safety.
  2. The RefillerInfo interface returns F.class, which is used to discover parameters, so it must be the correct subtype.
  3. The RefillerInfo interface must return stream of non-annotated parameters.

Refiller Parameters and Readers

A refiller will receive an object for each row from the olive. To extract the column values for each row, a Function<T,C> or reader is supplied by the olive. C is the type determined by the refiller, but T is the type of the row and determined by the olive. The refiller implementation may make no assumptions about T. There are multiple ways to accept readers:

  1. Create a public field of type Function<T,C> annotated with @RefillerParameter. The name of the field will be used unless name is set in the annotation.
  2. Create a public method that takes a single argument of type Function<T,C> annotated with @RefillerParameter. The name of the method will be used unless name is set in the annotation.
  3. Create a subclass of CustomRefillerParameter that defines the name and type of the parameter and provides a mechanism to store it in the database.

When using @RefillerParameter, Shesmu will attempt to determine the correct type from the annotation; raw types (i.e. Function) are not allowed. T must be the first parameter type to Function. If the Shesmu type of C cannot be determined automatically, the type property of the annotation must be set.

Signature Variables

Signature variables are special variables that compute some kind of record based on the input variable used by an olive.

There are two categories of signature variables: ones that are static (i.e., the same for all inputs) and ones that vary for each input.

This might seem a contradiction, but the static case is useful for things that depend only on the names and/or types of the signable variables. This is how the signable_names works.

To create a signature variable:

  1. Create a class that extends StaticSigner or DynamicSigner.
  2. Implement the addVariable method to compute a value. If static, no input is provided. If varying for each record, the input will be the only argument to the method.
  3. Implement the finish method to produce a value.

Signatures can be made available to olives by:

  1. Adding a static method decorated with @ShesmuSigner to PluguinFileType which returns StaticSigner or DynamicSigner.
  2. Adding a virtual method decorated with @ShesmuSigner to PluginFile which returns StaticSigner or DynamicSigner.
  3. Use Definer.defineStaticSigner with a Supplier that returns new static signers.
  4. Use Definer.defineDynamicSigner with a Supplier that returns new dynamic signers.

When using the @ShesmuSigner attribute, the Shesmu type descriptor must be provided in the type parameter for the type that is returned with the finish() method is called. The name of the signature will be taken from the method name or it can be provided using the name parameter of the annotation. If the method is attached to PluginFile, the name must contain a $ which will be replaced by the instance name.

Input Sources (Direct)

Plugins may provide data for each input format. A data format must already exist. Suppose the type of the format is T. To add a source of data:

  1. Create a static method in PluginFileType or a virtual method in PluginFile. It must take no arguments or one boolean argument and it must return Stream<T>.
  2. Add the @ShesmuInputSource to this method.

The method may also return a subclass of T, but not a wildcard (e.g., Stream<? extends T>).

The Shesmu server will call the @ShesmuInputSource in different situations, including at the start of olive execution, and when a simulator request is made. Different situations have different needs with regards to how fresh the input data should be. The boolean argument, if included, is sent by the Shesmu server to indicate to the plugin whether the fetch should trigger a refresh. If true, the server has indicated that it needs fresh data. If false, the server is happy to receive data cached from a previous fetch and the input source is free to not make the effort to refresh it.

Input source data is not cached by the server between calls to the @ShesmuInputSource method. Caching data is the plugin’s responsibility. The Shesmu plugin API package provides ValueCache and implementations for assisting with this task.

Input Sources (JSON)

Shesmu will automatically create a JSON representation for every input format that can be accessed via /input/format. Since Shesmu already knows how to demarshall data in this format, it is possible to provide data as a stream of bytes and leave Shesmu to extract the data from the JSON representation.

There are two ways to do this:

Ensuring the stream contains correctly encoded data is left to the plugin. Corrupt data will be discarded.

Streaming JSON Using a Method

To provide a stream of JSON data:

  1. Create a static method in PluginFileType or a virtual method in PluginFile. It must take no arguments and it must return or a subtype. It may throw any exceptions.
  2. Add the @ShesmuJsonInputSource to this method. Set format to the name of the format, and, optionally, ttl to adjust the cache time (in minutes).

Stream JSON Using a Definer

Using a definer will allow registering sources of JSON data dynamically. Many sources of the same data type can be sent and Shesmu will concatenate all of them.

To add a source, call Definer.defineSource(n, t, s) where _n_ is the name of the format, (e.g., "cerberus_fp"), and t is the TTL for the cache in minutes and s is a function which provides a It is permitted to throw.

Sources can be removed using Definer.clearSources(n) to remove any associated with a particular format or Definer.clearSources() to clear all formats.